The Cindy-Sheebah Beef, which has been mostly verbal through clips and social media is now in the studio. Diss tracks are out but the public has voiced it views.
It started with Sheebah releasing two songs; Jealousy and Kimansulo which were evidently directed to Cindy and other haters.
Cindy, being the King she is, hit the studio right away and recorded a dancehall song title Copycat, responding to Sheebah’s twin songs.
Fans and music critics have already started judging with most saying Sheebah’s songs were released prematurely.
Cind on the hand displayed vocal and lyrical maturity and most people have rated Copicat higher than Kimansula and Jealousy.
If you havent, you should listen to all the three songs (Jealousy, Kimansulo, Copicat) and tell us what you think.
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